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A man looking  up while holding a silver chain with a cross

Daniel Sanders is tired of getting by, living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to support his wife, Nicole and their daughter Simone. He always hears about prospering and living the good life that the Bible talks so much about. He couldn't understand why he wasn't living the life he is designed to have, until he realized that he was in the wrong line of work. That’s when he decided to meet with Bishop Wilkens who has a lucrative salary, lavish lifestyle and a twelve-thousand-member congregation. 


After meeting with the prominent Bishop Wilkens, who taught and trained him how to become a "prosperity preacher", Daniel was on his way to pastoring his own church and making money and making his name known around the country within five years. He is now part of the two percent rich and prosperous pastors that millions of people around the world know. 


After a faithful Sunday, Daniel began to train a new upcoming minister, Thomas Butler. Daniel is ready to expand his church and collect more money as an Overseer. Daniel didn't know that Thomas was like it for the perks too. But Thomas's relationship with his girlfriend, Jessica can possibly take a turn for the worst after taking Pastor Daniel's offer which can cause damage to both pastor's reputations.


There are people that can see right through Daniel's scheme behind the pulpit. Daniel can lose everything he has and his reputation can never be redeemed. He eventually learns that he can't trust everyone. Will Daniel continue living that "prosperous life" as a rising pastor or will he and his family return to the struggling life? 

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